Thursday, October 29, 2015

Digital Blog Post I

While reading chapter 6 the three concepts that stuck out to me were "Taking virtual field trips", "Interective Videoconferencing" and "Online learning and virtual schools". The first concept is taking virtual field trips; this is self explanatory. In the text it says that you can take your students all over the world with out ever leaving the classroom. It mentioned a website "" where students took a field trip to Ellis Island. I think this is great, this gives teachers a chance to really broaden their lesson by taking students anywhere they want. This also gives students a chance to learn new and exciting things, this is a way to keep students interested in their lesson.

The next concept was interective Videoconferencing; this is something I'm familiar with. In my church we sometimes have guest speaker that talk to us over video chat or if our pastor is out of town he will have a video conference with us. This is great because this gives students a chance to talk to people in places they aren't able to visit. I feel like this could be an effective way to have visitors come to the class without really coming to your classroom whether it be a writer, an artist, etc.

The third concept is online learning and virtual schools and this is the delivery of educational experiences through computers and other technologies. I am a huge fan of virtual schools, it gives students the ability to go above and beyond. Online classes play a huge role in schools now a days, it gives students the chance to take extra classes that they may not be able to take because of their schedule. It also gives students the opportunity to work on their work wherever and whenever, outside of a classroom which is a huge benefit. A majority of people own technology and it is a main focus for a lot of people and I think this gives teachers more of a chance to keep student engaged. Even a lot of the assignments you do in school are online based whether it be tests, projects, or even notes your taking for class.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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Emaze credits to Katelyn Richards

1 comment:

  1. Love the way you incorporated your eMaze presentation with the selected concepts - nice job (remember that you can only use a tool up to 3x for points and believe this is your third time)! Glad you see the value of online learning/virtual schools as I believe it has the opportunity to be beneficial. There are many opponents, but I believe it serves as a viable alternative.
