Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Digital Blog Post E

After reading chapter 7 the three concepts I found interesting were "Steps in Solving Problems", "Building, Inventing, and Creating Software" and "Minimize the Use of Games That Teach Isolated Skills". The first concept "Steps in Solving Problems" really stuck out to me because a man by the name of George Polya proposed an idea for solving mathematical problems. The steps are Understanding the problem, Using problem-solving strategies, and checking results. I really like this approach to a mathematical problem. I have always had a hard time in math and this approach would of been a great way to help me take a step back and understand just what I was doing. The first step which is "understanding the problem" students will need to identify the type of question they are being asked, what the question is asking them to do, and what they already know that can help them solve the problem. Out of that step the part that says to identify what you are already know is really important to me, before beginning you may know more than you think just read the question and go over the facts. The second step is "Using problem-solving strategies" this step is really telling you to break down the problem and make sure your chosen strategy will give you the solution to the problem. The last step is "Checking results" this step is extremely important but often overlooked. In my math class I had often found myself thinking I had done the problem right but in the end I may have missed a step. Rechecking a useful step and can help you eliminate wrong answers.

 The second concept I chose to reflect on was "Building, Inventing, and Creating Software" this paragraph explains how these three things happen when students engage in open-minded explorations of topics and items that interest them. It says this learning begins at a young age when children are using manipulative materials. One other thing the text said was the most effective programs are those that do not require a single right way to use them or a single right answer. I agree 100% students feel more comfortable trying new ways of learning when they don't feel pressured. It gives a few examples for teachers to use with their kids like kid Pix and google earth. Google Earth was a great activity we did in class that I believe kept the class engaged. And having us line up in order from where we lived was a fun way to let us use technology and let us interact with each other. After reading about Kid Pix I absolutely love it, it's a fantastic way to let students use their imagination and really bring their work to life especially for younger students. 

My last concept I found was 'Minimize the Use of Games That Teach Isolated Skills" after reading this paragraph I had sort of a hard time understanding the authors view on the two games that were mentioned. In my opinion I think a game that has you answer a math problem that helps you earn points or helps you defeat a bad guy etc. is a great way to keep children interested and also learning. I wasn't sure if that was considered and isolated game or not but I do think it's an effective way of learning. Maybe it would be better if she had to line up two sets of 5 if the question was 2x5 instead of just being to click an answer out of options like stated in the book. I think that would give students a better understanding and maybe if the the player got it wrong it would stop and explain to the student/player why he or she got the answer wrong to help them improve their math skills.

 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Digital Blog Post D

After reading chapter 5 there were three concepts caught my eye Electronic Note-Taking, Strategies for Conducting Effective Searches with Students, and Criteria for Evaluating Web Resources. The first concept I mentioned was "Electronic Note-Taking" and I could not of agreed with what it said more than I do. The beginning of the paragraph really focuses on why we take notes and how easily hand written notes can be lost, destroyed etc. and it can be a pain to redo them and time consuming. It goes on to mention a few online note taking sites. I had never heard of sites that help you take notes till now but it really is great and efficient. NoteStar is one great way of note taking it can stay on your toolbar for easy access. This is a great way for kids to get things done in timely manner.

The next concept I focused on was "Strategies for Conducting Effective Searches with Students" it explains that by using any search engine and typing in a question or topic it will bring you information from a kindergarten level to a college level. It's telling you that it may be tempting to just pick whichever site pops up first but as a teacher you need to be cautious about what site you are using in your classroom. This section listed 4 ways to teach your students how to use search engines Introduce Search Sites Designed for Students, Teach students to Critically Evaluate Search Results, Use Visual Search Tools, and Ensure Safe Online Experiences for Students. I think these are great ways for you to teach your students safe and informative sites!

The third concept I read was "Criteria for Evaluating Web Resources" we talked about this in class and I find it effective. There is one thing to help you remember how to evaluate a website AAOCC which stands for Accuracy, Authority, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage. It goes on to explain what each of these really mean and it says the highest quality sites meet each of these. These criterias were listed from The Association of College and Research Libraries and they will each determine the quality of the webpage. Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Powered by emaze

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Introductory Biography

My name is Katelyn Richards, this is my second year at FSW and I am majoring in education and I want to teach kindergarten, I'm attending FSW to get my AA in education and transferring to a university.Growing up I always wanted to be a teacher and I started baby sitting at a young age until my senior year I got at job at a day care and fell more in love with teaching.

Through out this past year I realized I do not want to work with too young of an age. As I started getting my hours for my teaching classes I decided I wanted to teach kindergarten and move away from day care. I'm extremely excited to get my career started as a teacher! I believe everyone thinks they have a fail proof philosophy about teaching and learning. Quite frankly though my opinion on the matter is that you have to have so many different approaches to teaching to adapt to the students around you. Students don't adapt to a teachers way of teaching, teachers adapt to a students way of learning and I am excited to not only teach but learn.

 I don't have much experience with technology besides your basic paint, word and social media. I got my first phone in elementary school to be able to call my parents. When I was in middle school I received my first computer and since then I started getting more familiar with technology. Although I'm not a master with technology I think I'm pretty familiar with the basics. I'm not exactly sure how to bring technology into a classroom. But I am ready to learn more about how to bring technology into my future classroom!

Blog Post C

After reading chapter 3 I found 3 concepts that really stuck out to me. The first one is "Online Problem-Solving Environments". At the beginning it mentions that online learning environments, develop students' talents as problem solvers and critical thinkers. It explains that gamers take on roles and they have problems that need to be solved. It goes on to explain that because younger children play online with many other people it develops their social practices. I would have to agree with that and another thing I read that I really agreed with was that children develop "situated understandings". I think this is extremely true because as stated in the text children are put in this different world and giving obstacles to over come whether it be collect 200 coins or solving math problems.

The second concept that stuck out to me was "developing digital literacies" this paragraph explained how people use and find information. This is pretty much all through technology whether it be social media, smartphones, etc. It goes on to talk about that now with all this technology and new ways to access information we have more requirements about how to assess information. I find this very important because you really don't know if websites are reliable or not. Which brings me to our lesson in last thursdays class on how to assess a website you are on, AAOCC. AAOCC is what is used to evaluate a website, authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage. Going through each one of these is very important and that why I think this paragraph in the book is important.

The third concept is "Communicating and Collaborating" this paragraph talks about how students like a fast paced learning environment. By learning online and in collaboration groups I believe students are more engaged. I think it's saying to take advantage of students technology centered behavior. I agree that it is easy for students when things are technology centered and they can do more through online assignments. Instead of having to plan and meet with your group you can easily set up a group chat and get things started that way. I'm slowly beginning to understand exactly why technology plays such a huge role in teaching.

Maloy, R. (n.d.). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.).

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Blog Post B

After reading chapter 2 the first concept that stood out to me is called "A Career That Matters". It starts off by saying that teaching is a profession that matters to everyone not only students but society. It list what teachers are expected to do convey, teach, and balance. One other thing it said was "Beginning educators often teach as they were taught". I couldn't agree more with that statement yes you go through schooling and learn tips on how to teach but what really sticks to you is seeing someone teach first hand. I started as a teaching assistant at a day care and everything my mentor taught and I learned by watcher her has stuck in my mind. Going back to the 3 things teachers are expected to do I think it's great to have to guidelines. The first one is saying to teach material to students in ways that will understand, remember, and use. This is very important to me because whats the one thing students always stress to teachers, "when will we ever use this out side of school?", well at least I did. The second one is teach and it goes onto say you need to reach all of your students with different needs and learning styles. The third one is balance, balance students outside of school influences with inside the classroom dynamics.

The second concept was under "Methods For Teaching With Technology". It's called "Student-centered teaching". This philosophy for teaching is having the students learn through puzzles, questions, and engaging in conversation, this is learning through explorations and discovery. I agree with this philosophy 100%, not all students learn at the same pace or the same way. I believe giving students tests and paper work doesn't show anything. It's very easy to daze off and get sleepy while staring at a piece of paper for hours. Getting students engaged and interacting with one another shows what they are capable of.

Another concept is under "Students and Their Technologies". This focuses on how students in this generation have way more experience with technology than their teachers do. They are now calling them "digital natives" and those who are familiar with technology "digital immigrants". This really amazes me that teachers the ones who are supposed to be teaching these students don't even know near what they know about technology because they did not grow up using these technologies. In my opinion this shows just how important this class truly is to becoming a successful teacher in this day and age.

 Maloy, R. (n.d.). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.). 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Blog Post A

In chapter one tech tool 1.1 was a section that stuck out to me because I feel like it is the foundation of technology that can be incorporated into the classroom. Tablets are a way to incorporate technology while maintaining functionality. Tablets have a large screen and are light weight which can be sufficient  in all classrooms of all ages. They are also the in between smart phones and lap tops which provides the ability of a smartphone that has apps and the reliability of a laptop. This is one thing that I would incorporate into my classroom and would like to know more about.

As students get older classrooms have a tendency to require more textbooks as a high school graduate I fully understand the hassle it can be to tote around various heavy books that we had a tendency to never use. If in my career I could incorporate technology based textbooks I believe I could alleviate this problem for my students. While this might seem like a small feat its the little things in education that can help a student. Although there are some obstacles we as a school would have to overcome. Such as students who lack the ability to use a computer I know that it could be beneficial to the majority. 

Social media technology is also something I would like to learn more about to decide whether or not to use it in my future classroom. As I reflect over the reading I come to realize that even my younger sister who is only 11 has multiple social media accounts. Social media has become a make or break it thing for all ages and a predominate way of communication. Social media is a comfort thing for individuals and a large part of students success is comfortability. I know that if I can find a way to commingle education with social media it can be a tremendous help.