Thursday, October 29, 2015

Digital Blog Post I

While reading chapter 6 the three concepts that stuck out to me were "Taking virtual field trips", "Interective Videoconferencing" and "Online learning and virtual schools". The first concept is taking virtual field trips; this is self explanatory. In the text it says that you can take your students all over the world with out ever leaving the classroom. It mentioned a website "" where students took a field trip to Ellis Island. I think this is great, this gives teachers a chance to really broaden their lesson by taking students anywhere they want. This also gives students a chance to learn new and exciting things, this is a way to keep students interested in their lesson.

The next concept was interective Videoconferencing; this is something I'm familiar with. In my church we sometimes have guest speaker that talk to us over video chat or if our pastor is out of town he will have a video conference with us. This is great because this gives students a chance to talk to people in places they aren't able to visit. I feel like this could be an effective way to have visitors come to the class without really coming to your classroom whether it be a writer, an artist, etc.

The third concept is online learning and virtual schools and this is the delivery of educational experiences through computers and other technologies. I am a huge fan of virtual schools, it gives students the ability to go above and beyond. Online classes play a huge role in schools now a days, it gives students the chance to take extra classes that they may not be able to take because of their schedule. It also gives students the opportunity to work on their work wherever and whenever, outside of a classroom which is a huge benefit. A majority of people own technology and it is a main focus for a lot of people and I think this gives teachers more of a chance to keep student engaged. Even a lot of the assignments you do in school are online based whether it be tests, projects, or even notes your taking for class.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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Emaze credits to Katelyn Richards

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Digital Blog H

After reading chapter 9 I came across three concepts that really stuck out to me, the first concept was "podcasts and vodcasts as tools for teaching" this concept stuck out to me because I hadn't heard of podcasts before this class. A podcast is an audio recording distributed online and accessed on computers or portable media players using free software such as iTunes. I think this is great especially for students who have a harder time is certain subjects and need time to look back over or hear what was said once again. A vodcast is a form of podcast but in which it has not only audio but but video. In my opinion this gives an even better opportunity for kids to have a chance to look back at notes or maybe if they work better seeing pictures while also hearing the lecture. This would be a great way to tutor someone create a podcast for the student which the student can access at any time on a cell phone, laptop, etc.

The second concept I came across was "use images to generate class discussion" I think this concept was stated very clear and self explanatory. Images are an amazing way to get kids to keep their focus on a discussion rather its age 2 to age 18. In this paragraph it lists an example about maybe you're teaching a history class and explaining an event on the screen it would be helpful to put pictures of this event and getting the kids to interact.

The third concept was "Next-Generation Web 2.0 Presentation Tools" this concept I like because I've heard of these in class. A presentation tool is a tool that uses multimedia to expand the ways that information is shared in classrooms. For example prezi, animoto, and glogster are listed in the book. My personal favorite is prezi its similar to a powerpoint and gives teachers and students a simple way to access key points and review information. I believe prezi is an easy way to present information and I have used it a few times in my classes. Another tool is animoto this tool gives teachers a chance to use video clips, pictures and sounds to expand how they present information, this is something that students can use to present videos also. This is a great way for students to get involved in their personal work by making a video to go along with their work is a great way to let students use their imagination. Also its helpful for teachers because it gives them a chance to catch the students eyes by using images and keep them focused by incorporating music.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Digital Blog Post G

While reading chapter 10 I came across three concepts I found interesting the first concept is "Adaptations For Classroom Learning With Technology" the second was "Assistive Technology to Reach Diverse Learners" and the last concept was "Process Approaches to Writing". My first concept which was adaptations for classroom learning with technology was all about 3 levels of accommodations, low-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech. Low-tech accommodations refer to changes that are made easily, inexpensively, and without applying digital materials. Mid-tech accommodations involve substantive shifts in organization and delivery of curriculum that may include the use of digital materials. The last one is high-tech accommodations introduce changes associated with the integration of computers and other specialized information technologies in the classroom. These are all three are ways to help you as a teacher differentiate instruction of universal design for learning. It goes on to say that technology offers two main routes for designing the classroom.

The second concept I found was assitive technology to reach diverse learners. Assistive technologies apply the concept of technological convergence to the ways that information technologies enable teachers to differentiate instruction and pursue universal design. It goes on to say that these kind of tools help people with disabilities be able to do things that normally can't do. Later on it the paragraph it list things that are important ideas for teachers to consider when using active technologies in the classroom. 

The last concept was process approaches to writing which is self explanatory. It list the writing process the steps is prewriting/brain storming, drafting, revising, editing, publishing. To go more into detail prewriting/brainstorming is when the writer begins by ferreting, conversing with others, listening to read-clouds, webbing ideas etc. Drafting is when the writer focuses on creating a draft of writing, allowing ideas to flow forth without stopping or making large changes to the text. Revising is when the writer reviews and revises the writing to change it ways to better the writing. Editing is when the writer makes additions and deletions or changes that clarifying the meaning of the text. Publishing is when the writer shares with others a complete text using different formats, from a read-aloud, to a performance, to a display of the writing in a public place, with the goal of making the writing available for audiences to read and to hear. 

Wordle created by Katelyn Richards Henderson

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Digital Blog Post F

After reading chapter 8 the three concepts I found were "Integrating Electronic Communication into Your Teaching, "Electronic Communication Between Teachers and Students, "Websites and Blogs For Teachers and Students". The first concept "Integrating Electronic Communication into Your Teaching" really focused how to use electronic communications and social media rather than what social media to use. It list 6 bulletins the first is teaching beyond the school day which is self explanatory go above and beyond in school and outside of school. The second is engaging students this is important academically for the students and the way they learn. The third bulletin is Sharing information with families which I find very important and most families and or teachers lose sight of this. It's important for families to know whats going on and be able to get answers to their questions at any point for example your child may be less likely to say he or she doesn't have homework if you have the ability to go check. Building learning communities is the fourth one and it explains farther in the text that students feel important and it's easier for them to gather and talk about their similar interest. The fifth one is publish student work, at the end of the day students are going to be thrilled that the hard work they put into something is going to shown and be open to others. The last bulletin is energizing student writing, bringing writing online is a great advantage. Students are rarely ever asked to write a page longer than 3 pages this gives them the chance to write using technology and getting them connected.

The second concept I found was "Electronic Communication Between Teachers and Students" this section focuses on ways to communicate with you teachers and or students. Examples are email, teacher or classroom websites, blogs, online discussion, and wikis. At first I wasn't too sure about electronic communication and if I would ever find use for it besides the normal texting but after starting this class I've really grown to love and have an appreciation for it. Teachers are busy and can't always drop everything they need to answer every question someone has and let's face class time is precious. It's great to be able to send an email and have a response shortly after without having to stop the whole class. I think my favorite is wiki our group discussions went great and everyone was able to understand everyone clearly.

The third concept I found was "Websites and Blogs For Teachers and Students", there is two things listed right from the beginning the first was "class website" and the second is "teaching blog". A class website is devoted to educational activities between a teacher and the classroom. A class website focuses on student work, students are able to publish their work and farther their interest. The second one listed was a "Teaching blog", a teaching blog is an online journal where teachers post information and ideas related to education. Teachers may talk to students or other teachers through this site. They both can inform students on projects, class assignments etc and I believe both of these websites are useful for both students and teachers.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
